Varnish: Optimize the loading of your web pages
Loading a web page may seem simple for a user: type a URL, hit Enter, and voilà, the site appears. But behind this apparent simplicity lies a complex mechanism, and above all, performance issues that can penalize your users. Let’s explore how to address this problem in this blog dedicated to Varnish!
With Varnish, you optimize your performance and enhance the user experience. And thanks to our expertise and proven Docker stack, you benefit from a turnkey solution, ready to tackle all the challenges of the modern web.
Understanding the actors of a web request
A web request goes through several stages and involves different actors, each having a specific role and impact on the overall response time:- The client (browser): It initiates the request by typing the URL and sending a request to the server.
- The DNS servers: They translate the domain name into an IP address, an essential step to locate the appropriate server.
- The content delivery networks (CDN): They serve static files, such as images or scripts, from servers close to the user.
- The application server: It receives the request, performs the necessary dynamic processing (like querying a database or executing code), and generates a response.
- The database server: Often solicited by the application server to provide real-time data.
- The intermediate caches: They intercept and respond directly to requests when a cached version of the content is available.
The proportion of time consumed by each actor
In the total response time, each actor contributes differently. For example:- The DNS resolution can represent 10% of the total time.
- The CDNs optimize static content to reduce their impact, but it remains around 20%.
- The application server and the database often represent more than 50% of the total response time, especially for dynamic pages. This bottleneck is particularly problematic during traffic spikes.